. Transparency is symbolized by the mandatory display of prices outside the dry cleaners for laundry and for dry cleaning.
Read moreThe Chanel quilted leather handbag is probably the most famous and coveted bag. Elegant and luxurious, while being classic, the bag is shaped in a silky and supple leather, the only flaw of which is to fade and radiate. Discover how to maintain, clean and repair this expensive bag called the Chanel bag.
Read moreThe duvet is also a nest of bacteria! If we think about changing sheets regularly, few of us regularly clean our duvets. However, whether the duvet is naked or covered with a cover, it absorbs just as much sweat and dust mites proliferate there as in mattresses. So at least once a year, do a spring wash. Here are some tips on how to clean and dry your duvet.
Read moreDry cleaning is a series of steps to thoroughly clean clothing or upholstery. These are the steps for dry cleaning:
Read moreYou may be one of those young brides who absolutely want to keep their dress neat after the big day, to keep a very special memory, or to be able to pass it on one day, to your little sister or daughter. So, you probably ask the fateful question: how can I keep my dress, without seeing it get damaged over the years?
Read moreWe appreciate that the items you entrust us with are valuable and sometimes irreplaceable.
Read moreDo you need your antique rug dry cleaned or your duck feather duvet cleaned? Elias have the equipment and skill to clean your cherished household items
Read moreClean and preserve your wedding dress the Elias way. We will remove individual stains by hand before dry cleaning and hand finishing it
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